Less Harmful Than Bed Tanning? Mobile Organic Spray Tan

mobile organic spray tan

Less Harmful Than Bed Tanning? Mobile Organic Spray Tan

mobile organic spray tanAre you in the hunt of a gorgeous looking tan? Is glowing, healthy skin without any orange undertones is what you want to achieve? The solution isn’t like the old fashion and invasive tanning ways, like bed tanning. New ways are here, and they’re not only better for your health but can save a lot of your time too!

First, let’s talk about bed tanning. Bed tanning isn’t something new; it exists for many years. The way it works mimics the sun. The same UV rays that we are exposed to when sunbathing, are the same rays bed tanning uses, but in a more moderate form. Premature aging, wrinkles and skin damage in general, are some of the effects mobile organic spray tanof this way of tanning. It is a method that needs time and several visits to a salon in order to achieve the results you want. In addition, most times the outcome is an unnatural orange color.

Nowadays, with science moving forward quicker than someone can imagine, the sunless tanning methods are getting better and also much safer. Why then compromise? A great option that will give you amazing looking skin the safest way is an organic spray tan. An organic tanning mobile organic spray tanmist is sprayed all over your skin, interacting with its own substances, causing it to get a natural darker color. It’s not only a safer method, but you have the option of booking an appointment with a mobile organic spray tan service specialist like InkaTan.

Inkatan – Mobile Organic Spray Tan

Beautiful, sassy and with a glowing skin, is what all women want, don’t we? Without any harmful side effects and right at your door! What else could you ask for? Call our mobile organic spray tan service and book an appointment at (305) 333-0457

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